Monday, October 13, 2008

What Are We Doing Here Anyway?

So what are we doing here anyway? Were we the lucky ones who happened to evolve from monkeys while the other poor ones are still stuck being monkeys? Are we some unaware pawns in a large game of chess controlled by who knows what? Or are our thoughts and feelings, which are so complex, intricate, complicated and real, part of a much more grand plan, a purposeful creation?

And that's where you've stopped and thought, "oh yes! That feels right! I never felt much like a monkey in the first place". So do you know who your are? Do you know how you were created or by whom and how it is that you ended up here? And what you are supposed to be doing here?

I do!

You are a child of a loving Heavenly Father. That's right! You're earthly father is not your only father, nor your first father. You were created by your Heavenly Father, who is God. And He loves you just as your father loves you, only much, much more. Because He is a perfect being, He has perfect love for you. And He does love you! He knows you, not just from a distance, like the guy at work, or your neighbor across the street. No, He knows every thought and feeling you experience.

So why are you here? Why are you away from Him? Because just as we send our children away to school to receive a higher education, He sent you away to a place called earth to get your higher education. And what career path did you and Him have in mind? You wanted to be just like Him. And as with any father, He wanted you to enjoy all that He enjoys and more! But you needed to be trained, you needed to learn what it's like to be a parent, in order to understand and become like a heavenly parent. So He sent you here so that you could learn the basics of loving relationships and eventually the roles of spouse and parent. He intended for you to fall in love, get married and form a family. One in which you could welcome children and begin your journey to learning how to be a parent. So yes, you are here to form a family.

So now you know what you're doing here, or at least what you're supposed to be doing here. Your career is important because it allows you to contribute to the betterment of society, and provides the financial means by which your family can survive. But your career is not your purpose in life. Creating a family is. Your family and loved ones should be the most important aspect in your life. Everything that you should be focusing on and doing each day, should be for the purpose of blessing your family, and then on to blessing your friends and neighbors, and even the stranger on the street. After all, that stranger on the street is family! We are all part of God's great family. Even you!